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satisha hollandsworth

Satisha Hollandsworth


Prenatal, natal and newborn massage specialist



Welcome! My name is Satisha, and I am more than just a Massage Therapist. It is my mission in life to support and nurture women, their bodies, and their babies through the beautiful process of pregnancy, birth, and infancy. My specialization in pre and postnatal massage is enhanced by my deep understanding of anatomy, movement, and the changes that happen in your body during pregnancy.


I am able to read the body in a unique way and my massage sessions take a step beyond simple relaxation, as I can often identify and address the root cause of your discomforts. I make sure to address areas that require extra attention during pregnancy, yet typically get missed or neglected, such as coccyx issues, the pubic synthesis, and shortness of breath.


I offer individualized bodywork for your entire pregnancy and postpartum period, including infant massage. My support goes beyond the massage table to offer you emotional coaching, essential oils, stretches for you and baby, and help with physical post-birth issues such as nursing discomforts and your recovering body.


I work closely with the local birthing community Midwives and Doulas, as they know better than anyone the personalized care and attention that must go into supporting a pregnant mom. I am honored to be recognized by these amazing women as a key contributor to making pregnancy and birth a comfortable and joyous experience.


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