Stephenie Carr
Birth and postpartum doula
My name is Stephenie and I am a birth and post-partum Doula. I am a mother of three children
and my own experience of giving birth was uniquely sacred each time. I hold a master’s degree
in Intercultural Studies with an emphasis on Children at Risk. I have had the privilege to travel
and study for many years amongst many different people groups globally, often pregnant or
caring for an infant while traveling. I was in India two months after my second child was born
and had the opportunity to travel with a mobile pregnancy clinic for a few days to some remote
villages. I found that even though I didn’t speak their dialogue, there was a common language
and connection between us as I helped measure bellies because I had so recently been in my
own pregnancy. Every birth story is so unique and yet, there is a beautiful human story that
connects us all.
Becoming a doula has allowed me the amazing opportunity to be present with families at a
sacred time. To help guide and walk with families through what can be such an intense,
confusing, intimidating process is a special, humbling privilege I cherish. Reflecting back on my
own birth and post-partum experiences, I realize what a gift a doula would have been for me in
those chaotic, sometimes frustrating, but ultimately awesome times. I seek to be a guide who
can help you recognize signs you might not notice otherwise, a supportive presence that can
help hold space for the sacred event of ushering a new human life into the world, and an
advocate that can help you trust your body and your voice.